If you haven't read my book, finished it, please don't enter this site.
You'll screw up Gradual Disclosure, the bedrock principle of storytelling. In other words, you’ll find out What Happens Next before you should.
Besides, this site amounts to an Appendix to the book. Why would you read an Appendix to a book before reading the book?
That'd be dumb-ass, no?
If you're here just to see the photos – you couldn't wait until finishing the book or whatever – okay, but you're still going to find out stuff you shouldn't, so I urge you to wait. If you "just can't help yourself,"
Click here to go to the photo page.
If you want to contact me, comment on the book, complain, issue threats, or whatever Click here.
Or Click here to go to my other website (banditobooks.com) -- active since 2001, all sorts of stuff is archived there.
Or subscribe to my newsletter, which I still call my Down South Perspective, even though I'm not Down South anymore.
OK, now, if you're really ready: